
Hello everyone and welcome to my site. This site, or more precisely  IT blog, started as an attempt to share my knowledge and expirience with anyone who stumble upon it. I will write some step-by-step tutorials and share solutions to some problems I encunter in my work.

My name is Mustafa Toroman. I work as System Engineer for Authority Partners. My main tasks are planning, deploying and maintenance of server infrastructure and solutions. Most of my work is related to Windows Server Platform and MS SQL Server (all versions from Windows Server 2003 and SQL Server 2005).  My passion is testing, learning and exploring new technologies what resulted in having over 20 MS certificates such as MCSA for Windows Server 2012 nad SQL Server 2012, MCSE for Private Cloud, Server Infrastructure, Data Platform and Business Intelligence…

Also I’m MCT since 2012 and from time to time I’m honored to be a speaker at local  IT conferences. My latest work is most focused on Azure solution, so most of my posts will probably be about those subjects but from time to time I will write about some other things I stumble upon in my work.

In 2016 I recieved my First Microsoft MVP award for Microsoft Azure and was reawarded in 2017.

So once again, welcome to my site and I hope it helps someone.